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What We Do


What We Do

A Powerful Data Analysis Tool for Bioinformatics and Pathogen Genomics

Nextflow is a powerful computational tool that can be used to create, manage, and execute complex data analysis. It is an easy-to-use data management system that is supported by an active open-source community. It allows users to execute advanced pipelines with minimal learning investment; in fact, most users can confidently execute workflow with existing skills and expertise following training with Theiagen experts.

A Powerful Data Analysis Tool for Bioinformatics and Pathogen Genomics

Nextflow protocols can be easily modified or repurposed. They can also run on in-house computational resources, or be offloaded to the  Cloud. Users can easily develop their own bespoke workflows incorporating multiple steps, data types and analysis approaches. Nextflow integrates tools for sequencing data importing, quality control, assembly, annotation, and complex analysis, and can be utilized with datasets of any size.

Scalability and Flexibility

Scalability and Flexibility

Expressive and Human-Readable Syntax

Expressive and Human-Readable Syntax

Powerful, Distributed Computing

Modularity & Parallel High Throughput Execution

Integration with Cloud Computing